Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Monhegan postal service is more than mail, islanders say

Monhegan postal service is more than mail, islanders say

The Monhegan Post Office is a vital part of the community, as a post office would be on any island.

While the USPS says it is not cutting back on delivery, only retail hours, the difference it makes could be a huge impact for the island.

As you can imagine, sustainability on any small island is hard for its year round residents, cutting back a vital job in a small island community, where residents pay much more for all their services, like electricity, could eventually compromise the ability of the postmaster to continue living on an island that can not provide him/her with full time employment. There is no option for this person to supplement  with part time employment. Going off island for something as simple as a dental appointment, takes much of a full day .

What's the answer ? Is it really that big of an impact on the USPS to cut back hours on one person to save money ?

It certainly is a big money impact by the USPS on that one person.

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